Web Page Design
Create a web page on any topic of your choosing. Remember the site must be a school-appropriate topic. Website creation must be an individual project. Your website must demonstrate knowledge of HTML and CSS or HTML and JavaScript. You must learn some of each three because
- HTML defines the content of web pages
- CSS specifies the layout of web pages
- JavaScript programs the behaviour of web pages
Assignment Requirements
- It must be a minimum of 5 pages (example: homepage, links page, plus 3 other pages)
- On each page, there must be a navigation bar and a link to all other pages
- Your website must have pictures
- Your website must have links to outside websites (sites that you did not create)
- Links to outside sites must open in a new window
- Have a consistent layout (same colours, fonts, etc) on each page
- how that you know how to use HTML and JavaScript (impress me with your skills).
- Make web pages appealing to the eye.
- The more effort you put into the assignment, the better the mark.
Define Your Web Page Topic (3 marks)
Background Research (6 marks)
Design Brief (12 marks) - Design Brief Worksheet
Website Creation and Revision (5 marks)
Final Submission